Portable High Chairs

Portable High Chairs
Portable high chairs are small, convenient seating solutions which you can easily pack and bring with you. You can then easily set up a safe seating arrangement for your baby.

When you have a baby, during the first few weeks you become somewhat home bound. Your life revolves around the whims of the new infant. Pretty quickly though, your baby starts learning from observing and as parents, it is our job to teach them about life. The best way we can do this is through example, not through lectures.

On that basis, it is a really good idea after the first few weeks, to start living your life as usual again. Go out to dinner, visit family and friends, go to the beach or the cinema or wherever you enjoy your leisure hours. By observing this behavior, your baby will learn this behavior is normal and the behavior to emulate.

When your baby starts eating solids though, this presents a range of new challenges. If going out includes a meal for example, typically your baby will want to eat at the same time. If your eating venue does not have a high chair, this will require you to juggle your baby while trying to eat, usually resulting in you wearing some portion of your child’s food and probably some of your own food. This can be embarrassing in public places.

Portable High Chairs

Portable high chairs are the answer. Portable high chairs are small, convenient seating solutions which you can easily pack and bring with you. You can then easily set up a safe seating arrangement for your baby, given the chairs and dining facilities which are available at your destination. Some of the most common styles of portable high chair follow:

Portable High Chair Harness

Portable high chair harnesses are cloth straps/slings which slip over the back of a chair, so your baby can “sit with the grown-ups”. They are very light-weight and easy to pack and carry with you. The only drawback for the harnesses is your baby will be as low as the seat they are sitting on. This means you may also need to bring a cushion to raise your child to table height for eating.

Portable High Chair Booster Seats

A booster seat portable high chair is a little different to the harness variation of these products. The booster seats are a little more rigid. They look like a “mini-seat” which straps easily to a normal chair. They then have a harness system which secures the baby to the booster seat, rather than the chair itself. Often these products can inflate to give additional height, raising your baby to a closer approximation of table height. They are more rigid and provide their own padding for baby comfort.

Portable High Chair Packaging

Portability is the goal with the these variations of high chairs. As such, when considering which one to buy, consider the packaging and how it fits with your typical mode of mobility. What style of packaging suits your travel style. Does the drawstring bag fit effortlessly into your stroller? Or is the square booster seat packaging best suited to packing your car? These products are designed purely for convenience, so make sure the convenience you are buying suits your lifestyle.